Mybuxi is expanding its operating area into the Urner Oberland

The on-call mobility service from mybuxi, which was launched in July 2021 in the Andermatt region, has expanded its operating area. The municipality of Wassen and the Meiental valley will be fully connected and mybuxi’s electric vehicles will also run between Gurtnellen-Dorf and Wiler. The affordable and sustainable service thus ensures more individual freedom for young and old, seven days a week.
The on-demand service mybuxi has experienced a real boost in recent months. After launching last summer in the Urner Oberland, mybuxi, the sustainable transport provider, is on for further expansion. This next expansion will take in places that benefit from only a limited offer of public transport: the Meiental valley and Gurtnellen.
In summer, only two buses per day stop in the Meiental valley if the Sustenpass is open. In Gurtnellen, the bus route between Gurtnellen-Dorf and Gurtnellen-Wiler was stopped completely, due to low passenger numbers. As a result, there is no longer any public transport within the municipality of Gurtnellen; it is only connected to public transport via the main road.
The municipal councils of Wassen and Gurtnellen have therefore decided to support the umbrella organisation of mybuxi, the Alpine Mobility Association. The communities are thus demonstrating a pioneering spirit and in an innovative way ensuring that no one is dependent on their own vehicle. The aim of the Alpine Mobility Association is to develop mobility in the Gotthard region in an innovative and sustainable way. Mybuxi is the first of many projects that the Association wants to launch and establish in the next few years.
As of 01 April, residents as well as guests of the two villages have been able to order a mybuxi vehicle via the app, thus ensuring accessibility in their area, seven days a week from early morning to late evening. For digitally averse persons, the service can also be booked by telephone.