June 19: Clean-up Day on the mountain

Today is World Environment Day. About 150 countries around the world take part in this action day. The aim is to increase awareness that the environment needs our protection. And we, too, are making a contribution. On our Clean-Up Day on June 19, we’ll be clearing away refuse that was left behind in nature in the winter season. We look forward to having as many helpers as possible.
This past winter, visitors were forced to picnic and get takeaway meals. So it comes as no surprise that the occasional napkin was left in the snow or plastic packaging was blown away. In order to prevent this refuse from being left behind in nature, we’re organising a Clean-Up Day.
Good deed with convivial finale
Together with representatives from Andermatt Urserntal Tourismus , POW and the Summit Foundation , we’ll be meeting in Piazza Gottardo in Andermatt on the morning of June 19. We’ll set off in small groups in various directions for the clean-up. Some will take the gondola up to the ski area on the mountain, while others will walk the hiking trails. Afterwards, all groups will meet up to weigh the trash and enjoy drinks, snacks and music.