Environmentally compatible construction activities in Andermatt. Positive result of environmental impact monitoring 2019

The environmental impact monitoring panel carried out seven inspections at Andermatt Reuss in 2019.
Construction sites in Zone 2 (Andermatt Central residential and commercial building) and Zone 4 (apartment buildings) were assessed, and no environmentally relevant incidents were detected. In the other zones, no construction activities were conducted or they have already been completed. The environmental impact monitoring is carried out by superordinate and local construction administrators as well as various technical committees.
Commissioned by Andermatt Swiss Alps, the company Basler und Hofmann has been monitoring the environmental impact of construction at Andermatt Reuss since construction began in 2009. The monitoring is being conducted in accordance with requirements approved by the Office for Environmental Protection of Canton Uri. Dr. Beat Hodel from Basler und Hofmann has been managing the environmental monitoring since 2009, thereby ensuring continuity. Monthly inspections were conducted by Enviso Altdorf and the findings recorded in reports.
The technical condition of the machines and vehicles used was checked in order to prevent excessive emissions. All diesel-powered machines with a motor larger than 18 kW are equipped with a required and tested particle filter. Furthermore, Schmid Bau AG uses an excavator that has been converted to use rapidly biodegradable hydraulic oil especially for the construction site at Andermatt.
Water pollution control is ensured by neutralisation systems that were operated as closed systems in 2019. The neutralised water was discharged in an environmentally sustainable way. In 2019, no construction site wastewater was discharged into the Reuss River or the Dürstelenbach, thus these two water courses did not have to be monitored on a project-specific basis. In spring 2019, the precipitation runoff / roof water from the roof over the ground floor of the Andermatt Central residential and commercial building still had elevated pH values. Immediate action was taken by neutralising the alkaline water and discharging it into the Dürstelenbach, with the approval of the Office for Environmental Protection.
Special attention was paid to nature conservation in 2019. Findings of the monitoring of breeding birds by the Swiss Ornithological Institute in Sempach exceeded all expectations (see separate media release, attached – in german). Dragonfly monitoring will be carried out in 2020. Insects, especially dragonflies and butterflies, are good indicators of biodiversity and the ecological value of nature conservation areas. A positive result is expected here too, because environmental impact is handled as a prime concern in the construction activities and the associated protection of water resources.