Pilot project reCIRCLE: Takeaway without waste

Sie mögen Take-away, ärgern sich aber über den Abfall, der dadurch entsteht? Wir auch! Darum haben wir im Restaurant Biselli ein Pilotprojekt mit reCIRCLE-Mehrweggeschirr gestartet. Die reCIRCLE-Produkte können bei fast 1’800 Partnerbetrieben in der Schweiz gekauft und zurückgegeben werden.
A quick cup of coffee here, a snack there – many people today eat while on the move. Takeaway food and drink are booming. That means an increase in the use of disposable dishes. We want to help put a stop to that with reCIRCLE containers. That’s why we started a test operation at Restaurant Biselli. Starting now, takeaway meals can be purchased in handy reCIRCLE boxes.
Here's how it works
Purchase the reCIRCLE box along with your meal. Bring the empty dishes back to Restaurant Biselli or return them to one of the roughly 1,800 partner businesses throughout Switzerland, and the amount you paid will be refunded. Or keep the box and bring it with you the next time you get a takeaway meal. Your reCIRCLE box is microwave- and dishwasher-safe, meaning that it's also suitable as a lunchbox.
Swiss-made using sustainable recycling
reCIRCLE developed reusable dishes from extremely durable materials. That's because packaging is the most environmentally friendly when it’s used over and over again. All products are manufactured and recycled by Stefan Kälin AG in Einsiedeln. The aubergine-coloured containers are made of polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) and the lids of polypropylene (PP). PBT and PP can be recycled. Stefan Kälin AG shreds the containers at the end of their long life and manufactures new granulate.
reCIRCLE works to ensure that all materials utilised in the process can be reused for new reCIRCLE products in the future. You can find more information about reCIRCLE, the life cycle assessment of the products and the partner network on its company website .
Expansion to other businesses
If the pilot project is well received, we will also introduce reCIRCLE products in other Mountain Food restaurants that offer takeaway meals.