Mend instead of toss: The Worn Wear Repair Tour was in Andermatt

Patagonia's Worn Wear Repair Tour is visiting towns and cities across Europe offering free repairs on broken zips, rips, tears and buttons, regardless of brand. That's because the longer things last, the less waste there is. This year, it was Andermatt’s turn. Also on hand were the team from the freeride ski brand Faction, which offered free ski waxing, and Protect Our Winters Switzerland with an information booth.
With the Worn Wear Repair Tour , Patagonia is seeking to make a contribution to protecting the climate and the environment. The longer clothing items last and are worn, the fewer new ones have to be made. That's why the mending service is free, whatever the brand of clothing. The same goes for skis. If they're well maintained, they’ll last longer. And with fresh wax, skiing is even more fun. That's something that Faction Skis is committed to. At its booth in Andermatt, the team from the freeride ski brand gave a free waxing to more than 30 pairs of skis using environmentally friendly ski wax.
Big turnout
Patagonia’s Tiny House had a steady stream of visitors. Two tailors made over 100 repairs, thus extending the life of numerous favourite items. Visitors stopped by to chat with Protect Our Winters Switzerland , and thanks to the snacks and drinks offered, some stayed longer than planned.
Andermatt Responsible
Andermatt Responsible sponsored the visit by the Worn Wear Repair Tour. With the Andermatt Responsible initiative, Andermatt Swiss Alps is promoting climate-friendly, sustainable tourism in the region. The aim of the initiative is to facilitate tourism operations in a way that preserves resources. To learn more about what the Andermatt Swiss Alps Group is doing for the environment, social matters and the economy, please visit the website of Andermatt Responsible.