Congratulations to our apprentices

The Andermatt Swiss Alps Group trains apprentices in the areas of catering, hospitality, cableways and IT. This summer, five apprentices successfully completed their training. In August, four other young persons will start their training with us.
We warmly congratulate our apprentices for successfully completing their training.
Carmen Egli, hotel manager, Radisson Blu Hotel Reussen
Chiara Furrer, restaurant manager, The Chedi Andermatt
Julia Peter, chef, Radisson Blu Hotel Reussen
Kai Nager, gondola mechatronics technician, SkiArena Andermatt-Sedrun
Til Saurer, gondola operator, SkiArena Andermatt-Sedrun

Sustainability goals
At the end of 2021, a total of 17 apprentices were employed at the still young hotels The Chedi Andermatt and Radisson Blu Reussen, at Andermatt-Sedrun Sport AG and at Andermatt Swiss Alps AG. In addition, the Group employed 21 interns. Trainee positions thus make up nearly four percent of total jobs. In connection with its sustainability goals , the Andermatt Swiss Alps Group has decided that the number of apprenticeship and internship positions and positions for persons with special needs (labour market integration) will be increased to five percent by 2030.
New apprentices in 2022
In August, four other young persons will begin their training in the Andermatt Swiss Alps Group:
SkiArena Andermatt-Sedrun
Giulio Podojil, gondola mechatronics technician
Radisson Blu Hotel Reussen
Melissa Gisler, restaurant manager
The Chedi Andermatt
Shellyan Risi, hotel manager
Elena Bühler, baker/confectioner
We wish them all a good start.